Sunday, April 2, 2017

new clinic

Hello all!  i mentioned i was starting at a new clinic this month, so far its very exciting!  I have finished my first two weeks of orientation and start seeing clients tomorrow.  Starting in may i will lead art therapy groups through the day treatment center for ages 12-18.  Starting tomorrow i am seeing individual clients through outpatient treatment located at the day treatment center.  Eventually we plan to offer art therapy groups through outpatient.   Whats the difference between them?  Day treatment is intensive 4 hour a day 5 day / week treatment and outpatient is a once or twice weekly 45-60 min session (or bi weekly / monthly) appointment.
                                    ( Fun fact - did you know Catalpa Health is named after the Catalpa tree?)

Usually the Way it goes is inpatient -->residential > day treatment > outpatient.  

Inpatient  - An individual has self harmed to the point of a suicide attempt

Residential - an individual has stablized enough to transfer out of inpatient, or enter in after multiple self harms due to depressive thoughts or a lowered quality of life due to excess anxiety / mental illness. - 24/7 care, see doctors, therapists, nutritionists, experiential therapists , a team of professionals to help work on the mental health and increase quality of life.

Day Treatment - intensive 4 hr per day 5 day per week treatment where a team of counselors / psychologists / psychiatrists work together to teach groups and individual therapy to review what skills were learned in residential and work on incorporating them into daily stressors and work toward increasing that quality of life while experiencing triggers outside of a residential setting. (ex school, family trouble, )

Outpatient - individual has "Graduated" from the day treatment program and is in a good place, requiring followup appointments once or twice a week, bi weekly or monthly depending on their quality of life and stressors.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

new survivor group!

I am so excited all!  through i found a cancer survivor writing workshop, we sent an invitation to the fox valley oncology group who has a facebook page and a monthly support group who is going to put out flyers for their patients and survivors!  I will be hosting an art therapy workshop at the end of an 8 week writing workshop this summer in Depere.  I am also going to be contacting the rec department or the place i held a previous studio at for Asnew about starting a consistant open studio, sponsored by my new clinic where i will be doing art therapy groups and individual sessions in appleton starting the end of march.

Im so excited for these changes, even if i had to close the door on one opportunity a new one opened.  New chapters bring new adventures! It would be wonderful to meet with other survivors, through a writing workshop or just hanging out. Having a local group of friends, people who understand, people who need to talk and vent who understand will be cool.   There is so much to do in this area i cant wait to discover it , with my new survivor friends or on my own now that i have settled down from moving and have time to explore.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

exciting news, changes happening

Hello again! I have news to share that I will be switching outpatient clinics.   While I have enjoyed working with Spectrum Behavioral Health, I was given an offer to join the Catalpa Health team in #appleton / #foxvalley and for financial reasons I had to accept.  It is difficult starting a new practice in a new city, and by joining forces with catalpa i can work my way back to private practice in the future.  I will be temporarily helping out in the Oshkosh schools (where catalpa is also located) as well as hosting art therapy groups at the appleton day treatment center (where the new outpatient clinic will be located) for our youth and am looking forward to this new adventure! Keep an eye on my website for any new updates, as well as i will post here any more changes and updates as well

Monday, January 2, 2017

New year, new start, new you!

New year means new you, right?  Not necessarily!  You can be an enhanced you. The greatest wisdom i have been told for meeting people, interviewing for jobs, going new places, is to "be yourself".

Sometimes we have to enhance our features,by doing our research  and putting a plan in action.  What is my new years resolution? i started at a gym with a black friday sale.  I even bit the bullet and signed up for a professional trainer.  Did i hit my new years goal of losing certain amount of weight? not quite, but i did make some progress and for my first goal both trainer and i agreed it was a good start!  My body has had a lot of stress done to it from living with cancer, enduring the chemo and the previous condition of endometriosis, so even starting to get in shape with floor exercises to increase mobility, flexibility and strengthening was alot to start in that short of time.  Thankfully each week (with exception of after christmas - oops) i did lose something, but most importantly i felt better!  my floor exercises were getting easier and gasp...boring!  i was even experimenting with the machines before the trainer officially brought it up in our once weekly meeting (carefully of course, small amounts of weight to try). Also noticed that my boots do not feel like ankle weights this winter, and normally they do (that is a fun experience, not have that heaviness around the ankles all season).

 As for my anxiety, i have an outlet to decrease the worrying. Not like i didn't before, i have my arts and crafts, my video games, friends to vent to, but the exercising seems to help in a different way. I put away my phone and i focus on the floor exercises. i have to do so many rounds of each to work different muscles and then i do cardio for a certain amount of time while keeping track of my breathing and my heartrate, then i go to the machines depending on the day with my work out schedule and focus on form and weights so that i dont hurt myself by overdoing it or handling the machines wrong.  Really exersizing to me is a form of meditation. I personally don't know how people can be on their phones while still doing a good workout. Maybe after im "officially in shape" ill be able to as well?  until then, im ok people watching, watching the tvs, listening to the gym music (can't seem to get music on my phone and headphones distract me ) or talking with a friend while we do the cardio together. The repetitiveness of the floor exersizes and trying to hit my step goal through fitbit help keep me focused.  Seeing the scale going down helps to but its only added incentive.  I can't wait till i can feel healthy and look healthy- My new self, still me, only a better version of myself.

What do you find to be meditative to help with your anxiety, or depression?