Thursday, March 10, 2016


It feels like spring but its not supposed to! Here in Wisconsin it tends to be winter from February to may.  On top of that ive been doing night shifts so im all out of sorts!!

Wanted to share iwth you my LLS - Leukemia Lymphoma Society - Light the Night walk fundraising page

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<div id="etoolsFundraiserWidget"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" border="0" /></a></div>

I have joined another cancer survivor and her team for the second year in a row.  Its an amazing night. they have food, different oncology resources set up to view, spin the wheel games to win theatre tickets, and best of all balloons of different colors to support loved ones lost, current patients and survivors.  Our teams get photos taken on stage and we all walk the park and end the night with fireworks! I definitely recommend going to one in your area or joining me if your local!!

I also want to share with you my young adult oncology groups fundraising page. We mainly want to share the page to spread the word we exist to other young adults living with cancer. If you know anyone please share the link!  The fundraising page is for us to raise funds for events to bring us together and of course spread awareness to the local city that we are here, we have fun and we want to share the love :)

Celebrate life with someone today.  Next week is my 6 year cancerversary!!  (no evidence of disease, my new life, my second chance).

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